
Friday 20th January 2023


Project Milestones and updates

We have reached the point in our strategic project planning where we are progressing a large number of in-depth and detailed elements of the merger plan. All these elements overlap and are entwined, so updating on one specific area is now quite complex. We are currently progressing:

  • Boarding re-alignment as detailed in previous updates
  • Timetable planning – a large and complicated process which involves a number of teaching staff to input in to
  • Pastoral spaces – planning and development of where these will be located and what they will look like
  • New Online Pastoral System
  • Estates plan – a detailed plan of where each subject and department will be based on the St Paul’s Site once they are combined as well as Sixth Form plans
  • Houses – combining of two house structures, what this will mean for heads of house, students and house time and activities within the new timetable
  • The cultural project around values, behaviour and expectations is continuing

With the very large amount of work being carried out by the team, in addition to our busy academic schedule and both GCSE and A-Level mock examinations, we will be moving to a monthly update for transition from this week. We hope that with more time between each update, we will be able to give you a fuller picture of each milestone as we get closer to key dates such as half terms and holidays. A lot of estate work, for example, is scheduled and planned around times when students aren’t in school to minimise disruption. We want to make sure these updates are informative and have as much exciting news as possible.

Cattle Market Car Park

We are very pleased to announce that after many years of negotiations, the School has purchased the Cattle Market car park, or as some of you may know it, the ‘Nursery Car Park’. The School has leased this plot of land from South Kesteven Council for many years, but there has always been the risk that the lease might not be renewed. Being able to buy the land removes that risk, and at the appropriate time, allows us to improve the car park; something that wasn’t possible while it was SKDC’s property. Having car parking space in this part of the town is strategically important for us and is a good investment for the School’s future.

New School Website

Our marketing team have been working on a new website as part of the wider merger project to align us from four to three schools. Work has been well underway for some time planning and building a new site, which we hope will be more interactive, informative and help parents find key information quickly when required. The team are working towards a launch in early March and we will share the details with you when we can.

Keeping you updated

The next update will be issued in February. We will ensure an update before we break for half term, and these will still be issued on Friday’s at 6pm. Should you have any questions between now and the next update, please do email the team via stamfordcoed@ses.lincs.sch.uk

All copies of these updates will be shared online at stamfordcoed.org so that you can refer back to them as necessary as the project progresses.