
Friday 24th March 2023


St Paul's Site Map
St Paul’s Site Update

Our site planning at the St Paul’s campus has been in full swing and we are pleased to include the new map image below and attached, so you can see where each department will be based from September 2023.

Work around St Paul’s is ongoing; the science block extension is at ground-work stage and the refurbishments at Beaufort are well underway for maths, computing and other classrooms. The site planning and timetabling projects go hand in hand, and progress is well underway for both. We will update on the timetable in the April transition update.

Transition Events for Parents

As part of our transition plans for September 2023, we are conscious that parents from Stamford School will be keen to meet with Mrs Buckman if they haven’t already; and that parents from Stamford High School will want to get to know the Stamford School site at St Paul’s.

We would like to host two sets of events for our current parents:

1) Meet Mrs Buckman for Stamford School parents

2) Site tour of Stamford School site with Stamford School senior leaders for Stamford High School parents

So we can gauge interest and numbers for both events, please can we ask parents to express their interest in either event by completing the forms below. We can then ascertain numbers and plan accordingly depending on interest for each event.

NB: We have already held a meet the Senior Team event for our Class of 2030 Year 6 pupils, as well as site tours with registrar Claire Mountain for SJS parents who registered. Junior School parents are of course welcome to attend these also if they wish.

New School Website

We are pleased to let you know that following months of development and hard work we have a new school website. https://stamfordschools.org.uk/

This is a large, content-rich website, as we are a large school with lots to communicate. Our objectives at the start of this project were to improve site navigation, style, and professionalism, and to fully reflect our outstanding and unique school, and our happy students.

We know from our audience data that our website is predominantly used by prospective families looking to join the school, as well as our current parent community. As such we hope you are now able to find the things you need in an easier way. Should you have any feedback, please do email website@ses.lincs.sch.uk

Co-Ed Transition – The Burghley Run

As per Thursday’s School Post, the annual Burghley Run takes place on Thursday 30th March which is our next whole school transition event. The run is led by our sports department who have worked hard to ensure the event will give all students the chance to take part in a large house event. We hope all the students embrace their Stamfordian Spirit and have a super time together, supporting each other as they always do.

Keeping you updated

The next update will be issued in April after the Easter break. Should you have any questions between now and the next update, please do email the team via stamfordcoed@ses.lincs.sch.uk

All copies of these updates will be shared online at stamfordcoed.org so that you can refer back to them as necessary as the project progresses.